Buckeye, Arizona
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Buckeye Golf Course Table

# Name Type* Phone Holes Loc* Cost*
1 Copper Canyon Golf Club PUB (928) 252-6783 18 MAP $$
2 Verrado Golf Club PUB (623) 388-3000 36 MAP $$$
3 Sundance Golf Club PUB (623) 328-0400 18 MAP $$

--- Click a golf course name in the table for more information (if available) ---
* Courses listed here are based on location, NOT mailing address *



* Definitions

     TypePUB=Public, PVT=Private, SP=Semi-Private, E=Executive, RES=Resort, M=Military

     Loc:  Location from the center of Phoenix (i.e. NNE=North North East)

     Cost:  $=0-50,  $$=51-100,  $$$=Over 100,  N/A=Not Available  (November through March)




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